GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
Below is an index to all the surnames (family names) in all our databases. Click on a letter to view surnames which start with that letter. Click on any surname to view individuls with that surname. You can also search for a specific surname in the search box below.
12 Individuals with the LEVITS Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
LEVITS, Abraham Benjamin | 9-MAR-1862 | |
LEVITS, Abraham Moses | * 15/05/1773 | 25-AUG-1838 |
LEVITS, Abraham Moses | 30-AUG-1833 | 1-APR-1871 |
LEVITS, Belia Moses | 15-JUL-1837 | 1-MAY-1855 |
LEVITS, Benjamin Abraham | 12-MAY-1804 | |
LEVITS, Benjamin Moses | 13-JAN-1835 | |
LEVITS, Betje Abraham | 10-JUL-1809 | 11-JAN-1811 |
LEVITS, Celia Abraham | 3-MAY-1807 | 2-JUN-1869 |
LEVITS, Debora Abraham | 24-DEC-1799 | 27-NOV-1807 |
LEVITS, Debora Matthijs | 22-AUG-1830 | 13-DEC-1843 |
LEVITS, Mattjijs Moses | * 19/03/1782 | 3-NOV-1851 |
LEVITS, Moses Abraham | * 04/05/1802 | 21-JAN-1875 |
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