GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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17 Individuals with the KLUMP Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
KLUMP, Alfred A. | 1866 | |
KLUMP, Alta | 1862 | |
KLUMP, Bâarbara Meurer | 25 FEB 1997 | |
KLUMP, Bruno Meurer | 3 JUL 1995 | |
KLUMP, Catarina | ABT 1812 | |
KLUMP, Catarina | ABT 1812 | |
KLUMP, Catarina | ABT 1812 | |
KLUMP, Catharine | 1848 | |
KLUMP, Christopher Dale | ||
KLUMP, CRAIG William | ||
KLUMP, Eliza | 1857 | |
KLUMP, Flâavio Lauri | 15 SEP 1962 | |
KLUMP, Jacob | 1849 | |
KLUMP, Keith William | ||
KLUMP, Lida | 1858 | |
KLUMP, Living | ||
KLUMP, Sophronia | 1855 | |
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