GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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12 Individuals with the HANUZET Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
HANUZET, Anne | 19-03-1747 | |
HANUZET, Anne Catherine | 14-12-1744 | |
HANUZET, Anne Marie | 04-01-1704 | |
HANUZET, Jacques | 1660 | 27-06-1713 |
HANUZET, Jacques Francois | 21-12-1740 | |
HANUZET, Jean Jacques | 02-10-1700 | 29-04-1749 |
HANUZET, Marie Catherine | 02-10-1707 | 19-05-1782 |
HANUZET, Marie Joseph | 18-04-1735 | |
HANUZET, Marie Therese | 12-01-1737 | |
HANUZET, Martin Joseph | 09-07-1749 | |
HANUZET, Nicolas Joseph | 17-12-1742 | 20-12-1742 |
HANUZET, Therese Joseph | 16-09-1738 | |
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