GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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12 Individuals with the GRANDPRE Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
GRANDPRE, Alexis Duteau Dit | WFT Est. 1665-1712 | WFT Est. 1704-1792 |
GRANDPRE, Francoise Duteau Dit | WFT Est. 1715-1738 | WFT Est. 1760-1826 |
GRANDPRE, Henri Comte De | ABT 1186 | |
GRANDPRE, Henri, Comte De | ||
GRANDPRE, Henri, Comte De | ||
GRANDPRE, Henri, Comte de | Abt 1186 | |
GRANDPRE, Jacques Duteau Dit | WFT Est. 1704-1739 | WFT Est. 1775-1823 |
GRANDPRE, Jacques Duteau Dit | 14 Feb 1750/1751 | 23 Feb 1831 |
GRANDPRE, Joseph Duteau Dit | WFT Est. 1745-1786 | WFT Est. 1786-1867 |
GRANDPRE, Louis Duteau Dit | 19 Feb 1773 | WFT Est. 1801-1864 |
GRANDPRE, Madeleine Duteau Dit | WFT Est. 1751-1774 | WFT Est. 1773-1858 |
GRANDPRE, Sophie Duteau Dit | WFT Est. 1786-1812 | WFT Est. 1840-1901 |
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