GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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36 Individuals with the GOTLUND Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
GOTLUND, Agda Carolina 1 NOV 1888 6 JUL 1951
GOTLUND, Agnes Elisabeth 5 NOV 1897 13 JUN 1925
GOTLUND, Albert Lennard 19 DEC 1899 30 NOV 1964
GOTLUND, Barbara Jean 26 MAY 1957
GOTLUND, Brett 5 APR 1996
GOTLUND, Brian 5 APR 1996
GOTLUND, Carl Ludwig 22 JAN 1904 10 DEC 1971
GOTLUND, Cathryn Donna 18 OCT 1995
GOTLUND, Charles Robert 10 OCT 1989
GOTLUND, Cheryl Ann 11 MAY 1968
GOTLUND, Clary Viola 2 APR 1893 26 OCT 1966
GOTLUND, Daniel Timothy 9 MAR 1994
GOTLUND, Elizabeth Anne 28 AUG 1988
GOTLUND, Erik Leonard 12 APR 1984
GOTLUND, Grace Kate 10 FEB 1998
GOTLUND, Henrietta Josepine Carmelia 12 JAN 1886 18 NOV 1935
GOTLUND, Holly Suzanne 26 SEP 1994
GOTLUND, Ingrid Linnen 13 DEC 1907 28 AUG 1988
GOTLUND, Janet Lynn 26 SEP 1963
GOTLUND, Johann Ludwig 4 FEB 1859 JUN 1929
GOTLUND, Johann Wilhelm 18 OCT 1887 2 NOV 1939
GOTLUND, John Lenard 6 AUG 1931
GOTLUND, Kari Lee 13 APR 1981
GOTLUND, Kimberly Anna 15 OCT 1991
GOTLUND, Kirt Thomas 17 JUN 1991
GOTLUND, Kristen Marie 19 DEC 1991
GOTLUND, Oscar Teodor 22 NOV 1905
GOTLUND, Ralph Albert 16 SEP 1926 6 AUG 1974
GOTLUND, Ralph Albert 6 AUG 1954
GOTLUND, Richard Alan 11 OCT 1958
GOTLUND, Robert Lenerd 12 MAR 1960
GOTLUND, Sarah Anne 4 FEB 1991
GOTLUND, Thilda 3 APR 1861 3 APR 1861
GOTLUND, Thomas Michael 22 NOV 1962
GOTLUND, Timothy Mark 22 NOV 1962
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