GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
Below is an index to all the surnames (family names) in all our databases. Click on a letter to view surnames which start with that letter. Click on any surname to view individuls with that surname. You can also search for a specific surname in the search box below.
11 Individuals with the GENDREAU Surname
Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
GENDREAU, Anne | ABT. 1640 | 11 Sep 1721 |
GENDREAU, Esther | WFT Est. 1849-1876 | WFT Est. 1898-1966 |
GENDREAU, Jeanne | ABT. 1600 | |
GENDREAU, Jeanne | 1600 | |
GENDREAU, Joseph Clement | 30 Aug 1896 | WFT Est. 1927-1987 |
GENDREAU, Josephine | WFT Est. 1882-1903 | WFT Est. 1925-1992 |
GENDREAU, Marie Rosalie | WFT Est. 1789-1813 | WFT Est. 1848-1902 |
GENDREAU, Mary | ||
GENDREAU, Nicolas | WFT Est. 1589-1618 | WFT Est. 1643-1703 |
GENDREAU, Philomene | ||
GENDREAU, Pierre | WFT Est. 1748-1787 | WFT Est. 1789-1868 |
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