GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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31 Individuals with the GASCONY Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
GASCONY, Acibella of
GASCONY, Adalaric Duke of 0812
GASCONY, Adela Loupe of
GASCONY, Adele of
GASCONY, Adelric I Duke of 750 812
GASCONY, Amandus Duke of
GASCONY, Donatllop Count of
GASCONY, Garcia I Of Est 860
GASCONY, Garcia Sanchez Count
GASCONY, Garcie Count of
GASCONY, Garsendis of
GASCONY, Garsinde 923
GASCONY, Gisela of
GASCONY, Guillaume I of
GASCONY, Hatton Duke of
GASCONY, Llop Centull Duke of AFT 0818
GASCONY, Llop Duke of
GASCONY, Lope I Duke of
GASCONY, Lope II Duke of 0779
GASCONY, Loupe I Duke of 774
GASCONY, Loupe II Duke of 727 778
GASCONY, Sancho I Duke of
GASCONY, Sancho I Sanchez Of Est 805 864
GASCONY, Sancho II of Duke of
GASCONY, Sancho II Sanchez Of Est 830 875
GASCONY, Urraca Major of
GASCONY, Urraca Mayor of
GASCONY, Urraca Mayor of
GASCONY, William Count of
GASCONY, Ximeno Duke of 780 842
GASCONY, Ximeno Duke of
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