GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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39 Individuals with the GAREAU Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
GAREAU, Adélina
GAREAU, Angelique
GAREAU, Angelique
GAREAU, Beatrice WFT Est. 1875-1898 WFT Est. 1920-1986
GAREAU, Câesaire
GAREAU, Dominique 29 Jan 1683/1684 WFT Est. 1712-1775
GAREAU, Dominique
GAREAU, Dominique
GAREAU, Dominique Saint-Onge
GAREAU, Emelie
GAREAU, Georges
GAREAU, Hervâe
GAREAU, Hormidas
GAREAU, Jean ABT. 1684
GAREAU, Jean WFT Est. 1636-1670 WFT Est. 1696-1753
GAREAU, Jean Baptiste
GAREAU, Jean Baptiste
GAREAU, Jean Dit St Onge ABT. 1646 6 JUN 1713
GAREAU, Jean-Baptiste
GAREAU, Joseph
GAREAU, Lilianne Gabrielle
GAREAU, Marie WFT Est. 1654-1690 WFT Est. 1673-1776
GAREAU, Marie 4 NOV 1671
GAREAU, Marie ABT 1811
GAREAU, Marie Louise 26 Apr 1693 WFT Est. 1732-1788
GAREAU, Marie Louise
GAREAU, Marie-Charlotte
GAREAU, Marie-Charlotte 23 OCT 1746 7 MAY 1789
GAREAU, Marie-Francoise
GAREAU, Nicole Private
GAREAU, Pierre 1648 12 AUG 1729
GAREAU, Rosaria
GAREAU, Sophie
GAREAU, Sophie
GAREAU, Suzanne
GAREAU, Ursule Dit Stonge
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