GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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36 Individuals with the ERVING Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
ERVING, Alice Rutherford 23 MAY 1906
ERVING, Alice Rutherford 23 MAY 1906
ERVING, Carnelia 6 APR 1865
ERVING, Catherine Van Rensselaer 19 NOV 1873
ERVING, Catherine Van Rensselaer 19 NOV 1873
ERVING, Cornelia 6 APR 1865
ERVING, Cornelia Van Rensselaer 24 NOV 1907
ERVING, Cornelia Van Rensselaer 24 NOV 1907
ERVING, Eleanor Cecilia 20 SEP 1875
ERVING, Eleanor Cecilia 20 SEP 1875
ERVING, Elizabeth 1731 23 Oct 1809
ERVING, Emily Elwyn 29 JUN 1868
ERVING, Emily Elwyn 29 JUN 1868
ERVING, John 6 JUL 1833
ERVING, John 6 JUL 1833
ERVING, John Langdon 31 JUL 1866
ERVING, John Langdon 1 AUG 1909
ERVING, John Langdon 31 JUL 1866
ERVING, John Langdon 1 AUG 1909
ERVING, Justine Bayard 22 DEC 1882
ERVING, Justine Bayard 22 DEC 1882
ERVING, Living
ERVING, Philip Livingston 12 MAR 1884 11 MAY 1885
ERVING, Philip Livingston 12 MAR 1884 11 MAY 1885
ERVING, Sarah Elizabeth 4 MAY 1870
ERVING, Sarah Elizabeth 4 MAY 1870
ERVING, Shirley 3 JAN 1880
ERVING, Shirley 3 JAN 1880
ERVING, Susan Van Rensselaer 11 MAY 1863
ERVING, Susan Van Rensselaer 11 MAY 1863
ERVING, William Van Rensselaer 15 NOV 1871
ERVING, William Van Rensselaer 15 NOV 1871
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