Surname, Firstname | Birth | Death |
DICKERSON, Aaron | | |
DICKERSON, Abigail | 1751 | 1815 |
DICKERSON, Abigail | 1645 | 1725 |
DICKERSON, Abigail | Abt 1645 | DEC 1725 |
DICKERSON, Abigail | 1751 | 1815 |
DICKERSON, Abigail | 1715 | 16 MAR 1786 |
DICKERSON, Abigail Maria | 20 MAY 1835 | |
DICKERSON, Addie Elizabeth | 6 FEB 1872 | |
DICKERSON, Agnes | | |
DICKERSON, Ailsey | Abt 1845 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Albert | ABT 1876 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Albert | | |
DICKERSON, Alexander | | |
DICKERSON, Alexander D. | 1856 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Alexander F. | ABT 1827 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Alexander T. | 1827 | Jul 1863 |
DICKERSON, Algernon | ABT 1843 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Alice | JAN 1880 | |
DICKERSON, Alice Flora | 14 AUG 1878 | 2 MAR 1940 |
DICKERSON, Alma Jane | 15 JUN 1910 | |
DICKERSON, Almire Gineva | 26 May 1845 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Amanda | ABT 1881 | |
DICKERSON, Amanda Faith | 13 Sep 1952 | |
DICKERSON, Amanda M. | CIRCA 1880 | |
DICKERSON, Amos (1) | 3 APR 1811 | 15 NOV 1811 |
DICKERSON, Amos (2) | 7 MAR 1815 | 23 JAN 1864 |
DICKERSON, Andrew | 1836 | |
DICKERSON, Andrew | | |
DICKERSON, Andrew | ABT 1800 | |
DICKERSON, Andrew Henson | 25 Feb 1875 | 21 Dec 1957 |
DICKERSON, Andrew Jackson | 1849 | |
DICKERSON, ANDREW JACKSON | 3 Jan 1874 | Aug 1946 |
DICKERSON, Andrew Louis | 1842 | |
DICKERSON, Ann | ABT 1834 | |
DICKERSON, Ann | ABT 1810 | 1898 |
DICKERSON, Ann Matilda | 10 Dec 1840 | 24 Dec 1898 |
DICKERSON, Annette | | |
DICKERSON, Annie E. | ABT 1868 | |
DICKERSON, Annie Lemoria | 17 Jun 1905 | 9 Mar 1988 |
DICKERSON, Anthony | 16 Dec 1777 | 26 Jun 1858 |
DICKERSON, Archbald | | |
DICKERSON, Archie Ernest | 7 Jan 1876 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Ariel | 20 AUG 1805 | |
DICKERSON, Arnold | 19 Feb 1904 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Arra Elizabeth | | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Atlas | ABT 1896 | BEF 1947 |
DICKERSON, Atwood | Oct 1898 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Aurie Belle | | |
DICKERSON, Aurie Belle | | |
DICKERSON, Barbara | | |
DICKERSON, Barry | 1964 | |
DICKERSON, Barsheba | 1822 | 1860 |
DICKERSON, Belinda Jean | 22 Feb 1950 | |
DICKERSON, Belva Lee | 28 NOV 1894 | 24 AUG 1968 |
DICKERSON, Benjamin Kai | 20 FEB 1979 | |
DICKERSON, Bernice Margurite | 1 JAN 1907 | |
DICKERSON, Bessie (twin) | ABT 1908 | |
DICKERSON, Bethany | | |
DICKERSON, Bethia | | |
DICKERSON, Bethiel Davis | 27 May 1861 | 12 Apr 1931 |
DICKERSON, Betty Benera | 11 NOV 1874 | 15 DEC 1948 |
DICKERSON, Betty Jean | | |
DICKERSON, Betty Sue | 24 Apr 1942 | |
DICKERSON, Bishop Marvin | WFT Est. 1865-1892 | WFT Est. 1917-1978 |
DICKERSON, Blanche | | |
DICKERSON, Bobby Dean | | |
DICKERSON, Bonnie Jean | Sep 1930 | |
DICKERSON, Bridgette Lynn | 10 NOV 1978 | |
DICKERSON, Brittnye | 9 JUN 1984 | |
DICKERSON, Burnecy Alice | 29 APR 1871 | 23 DEC 1957 |
DICKERSON, Cady Allen | 13 OCT 1987 | |
DICKERSON, Caitlyn Marie | 26 Jul 1996 | |
DICKERSON, Caleb | | |
DICKERSON, Caleb | ABT 1830 | 16 Jun 1862 |
DICKERSON, Caleb | ABT 1805 | Bet 1870-1880 |
DICKERSON, Callahill M. | Abt 1855 | |
DICKERSON, Carl Allen | 20 May 1947 | |
DICKERSON, Carla D'von | 20 Dec 1969 | |
DICKERSON, Carlton | 1928 | |
DICKERSON, Caroline | 1806 | |
DICKERSON, Cary | | 1938 |
DICKERSON, Cassandra | 11 Oct 1788 | 2 Jun 1872 |
DICKERSON, Catherin | ABT 1836 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Catherine | 1804 | |
DICKERSON, Cecil Charley | 10 Mar 1918 | 8 Mar 1973 |
DICKERSON, Cena | ABT 1834 | |
DICKERSON, Cephas | 1914 | |
DICKERSON, Chad | 7 AUG 1983 | |
DICKERSON, Charity | ABT 1742 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Charles | 1666 | |
DICKERSON, Charles | 23 OCT 1875 | |
DICKERSON, Charles | BET 1767 AND 1796 | BET 1821 AND 1881 |
DICKERSON, Charles Howard | 1928 | 1928 |
DICKERSON, Charles Ray | 16 APR 1960 | |
DICKERSON, Charles Raymond | 28 Sep 1934 | 24 Jun 1978 |
DICKERSON, Charles William | 1924 | 1984 |
DICKERSON, Charlie Glasper | 20 Jan 1891 | WFT Est. 1926-1983 |
DICKERSON, Charlottle | 1860 | |
DICKERSON, Christeen Lenora | 4 Aug 1953 | |
DICKERSON, Christi Elizabeth | 26 Feb 1961 | |
DICKERSON, Christiana | ? | |
DICKERSON, Christina | | |
DICKERSON, Christina | | |
DICKERSON, Cicero L. | ABT 1846 | |
DICKERSON, Cicero Lewis | 1 Aug 1907 | |
DICKERSON, Clarisa Van Kirk | 25 NOV 1803 | |
DICKERSON, Clarissa Van Kirk | 9 NOV 1828 | |
DICKERSON, Claude Calvin | 18 JUN 1902 | |
DICKERSON, Coffee | | |
DICKERSON, Connie | | |
DICKERSON, Cornelia | | 23 Dec 1891 |
DICKERSON, Craig Bentley | Private | |
DICKERSON, Cressy | 1844 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Crissie Ann | 1855 | |
DICKERSON, Cynthia | Private | |
DICKERSON, Cynthia Arzela | 1 Jul 1816 | |
DICKERSON, Dallas | 1915 | |
DICKERSON, Daniel | 1718 | 19 AUG 1769 |
DICKERSON, Daniel | 20 JAN 1958 | |
DICKERSON, Daniel Drabenstott | | |
DICKERSON, Daniel G. | 7 Dec 1851 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Daniel Holloway | 30 OCT 1912 | 14 NOV 1912 |
DICKERSON, Daniel L. | 12 MAY 1956 | |
DICKERSON, Daniel Olcott | 21 AUG 1845 | |
DICKERSON, Daniel Olcott | 19 FEB 1816 | 22 MAR 1869 |
DICKERSON, Daniel Olcott | 21 AUG 1845 | |
DICKERSON, Daniel Olcott | 19 FEB 1816 | 22 MAR 1869 |
DICKERSON, Danny | | |
DICKERSON, Daron | 1902 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, David Allan | 29 NOV 1947 | |
DICKERSON, David Clayton | 3 MAR 1975 | |
DICKERSON, David Cory | 30 NOV 1840 | 6 AUG 1862 |
DICKERSON, David Cory | 30 NOV 1840 | 6 AUG 1862 |
DICKERSON, David Edward | | |
DICKERSON, David Lamar | | |
DICKERSON, Deann | | |
DICKERSON, Debbie Jo | 30 SEP 1954 | |
DICKERSON, Deborah Diane | 30 Oct 1951 | |
DICKERSON, Deborah Ruth | 25 FEB 1841 | |
DICKERSON, Deborah Sue | 25 AUG 1959 | |
DICKERSON, Deborah Watters | | |
DICKERSON, Dee | ABT 1906 | |
DICKERSON, Delia | | |
DICKERSON, Delila Ann | ABT 1837 | |
DICKERSON, Devan | 29 DEC 1988 | |
DICKERSON, Dianah | 1837 | |
DICKERSON, Dick | | |
DICKERSON, Dolores | 28 AUG 1926 | |
DICKERSON, Dolores Marie | | |
DICKERSON, Donald Howard | 14 SEP 1951 | |
DICKERSON, Donald Ray | 12 DEC 1934 | |
DICKERSON, Donna Lee | | |
DICKERSON, Dorothy Lulu Etta | 12 Sep 1903 | 1949 |
DICKERSON, Dorothy Yvonne | 28 Nov 1942 | |
DICKERSON, Douglas L. | 0 ___ 1938 | |
DICKERSON, Edith Henry | 31 Oct 1894 | 18 Sep 1968 |
DICKERSON, Edmond T. | ABT 1861 | 1 JAN 1877 |
DICKERSON, Edna | | |
DICKERSON, Edward | 23 JAN 1881 | 16 JAN 1934 |
DICKERSON, Edward Lee | | |
DICKERSON, Edy | | |
DICKERSON, Edy | ABT 1762 | |
DICKERSON, Eleanor | ABT 1788 | |
DICKERSON, Eleanor | 1784 | |
DICKERSON, Eleanor | 26 Oct 1800 | 30 Aug 1866 |
DICKERSON, Eleanor | ABT 1788 | |
DICKERSON, Eli | | |
DICKERSON, Eliakim | ABT 1847 | |
DICKERSON, Eliakim | ABT 1847 | |
DICKERSON, Elias | | |
DICKERSON, Elias | | |
DICKERSON, Elijah | Abt 1865 | |
DICKERSON, Elissa | ABT 1843 | |
DICKERSON, Eliza | 7 May 1876 | 26 Feb 1968 |
DICKERSON, Eliza Ann | 31 DEC 1830 | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | 1637 | 1691 |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | ABT 1665 | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | 11 OCT 1652 | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | 12 JUN 1646 | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | 18 JUL 1863 | 10 FEB 1883 |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | WFT Est 1785-1824 | WFT Est 1846-1912 |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | WFT Est. 1785-1824 | WFT Est. 1846-1912 |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | ABT 1841 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | ABT 1841 | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth | 1840 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth A. | ABT 1841 | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth Ann | | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth Ann | ABT 1821 | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth Ellen | | |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth Elvira | 11 Mar 1829 | 18 Nov 1919 |
DICKERSON, Elizabeth Joanne | 28 Apr 1944 | |
DICKERSON, Ella | | |
DICKERSON, Ellen | 7 APR 1839 | 16 FEB 1904 |
DICKERSON, Ellen | | |
DICKERSON, Ellis Jackson | 8 SEP 1879 | 17 AUG 1936 |
DICKERSON, Emaline | Abt 1845 | |
DICKERSON, Emeline | BET 1813 AND 1838 | |
DICKERSON, Emeline | 09 JUL 1836 | 20 JAN 1911 |
DICKERSON, Emeline | 09 JUL 1836 | 20 JAN 1911 |
DICKERSON, Emilia | 31 Mar 1838 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Emiline E. | ABT 1875 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Emily L. | 1853 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Emily Polly Ann | 31 Dec 1814 | |
DICKERSON, Emma Irene | | |
DICKERSON, Ennis | | |
DICKERSON, Era Eusala | 12 JUN 1880 | 19 AUG 1928 |
DICKERSON, Erastus | | |
DICKERSON, Estelle Evette "Betty" | | |
DICKERSON, Ethel May | 9 APR 1885 | 15 NOV 1962 |
DICKERSON, Ethel May | 9 APR 1885 | 15 NOV 1962 |
DICKERSON, Ethel May | 25 MAY 1882 | 3 APR 1942 |
DICKERSON, Ethel N. | 29 Mar 1883 | 20 Apr 1974 |
DICKERSON, Eugene | | |
DICKERSON, Eugenia "Jeanne" | ABT 1853 | |
DICKERSON, Eva | | |
DICKERSON, Eva (Evie) Ellen | 12 JUL 1859 | |
DICKERSON, Eva Ezra | 18 Feb 1900 | |
DICKERSON, Evelyn Louise | 8 Jan 1920 | |
DICKERSON, Everett Harrison | 11 AUG 1918 | 2 MAY 1977 |
DICKERSON, Evie Elaine | | |
DICKERSON, Eynes Melissa | | |
DICKERSON, F. J. | | |
DICKERSON, Fairie Lanell | 28 JUN 1948 | |
DICKERSON, Fannie | ABT 1849 | |
DICKERSON, Fannie | ABT 1849 | |
DICKERSON, Fern | | |
DICKERSON, Flora | ABT 1872 | |
DICKERSON, Florence Eudora | | |
DICKERSON, Floyd David | 27 JAN 1921 | |
DICKERSON, Fountain Sherman | ABT 1906 | |
DICKERSON, Frances | ABT 1835 | UNKNOWN |
DICKERSON, Frances | Abt 1768 | BET 1814 AND 1815 |
DICKERSON, Frances | | |
DICKERSON, Frances | ABT 1879 | |
DICKERSON, Francis | INT 1786 (1786/1829) | |
DICKERSON, Francis | INT 1786 (1786/1829) | |
DICKERSON, Franklin | ABT 1838 | |
DICKERSON, Fred Marshell | 11 Dec 1887 | |
DICKERSON, G. Raymond | | |