GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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15643 Individuals with the DAVIS Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
DAVIS, Katie
DAVIS, Katie 1807 1810
DAVIS, Katie ABT 1880 ABT 1981
DAVIS, Katie 1987
DAVIS, Katie Elizabeth 1875 1950
DAVIS, Katie Marie
DAVIS, Katryna
DAVIS, Katryna
DAVIS, Katy Leola Emily 31 JAN 1898 11 SEP 1982
DAVIS, Kay 1961
DAVIS, Kay 1961
DAVIS, Kaye 16 OCT 1963
DAVIS, Kayla
DAVIS, Kayla Jean
DAVIS, Kayla Jean
DAVIS, KaytiLyn 13 MAR 2002
DAVIS, Keen James
DAVIS, Keenan Roger Private
DAVIS, Keith
DAVIS, Keith ABT 1893 ABT 1993
DAVIS, Keith
DAVIS, Keith ABT 1901
DAVIS, Keith Private
DAVIS, Keith Arthur 31 AUG 1949
DAVIS, Keith Arthur 31 AUG 1949
DAVIS, Keith Edward
DAVIS, Keith Frances
DAVIS, Keith Frances
DAVIS, Keith Wendell
DAVIS, Keith Wendell
DAVIS, Kelli DaNelle
DAVIS, Kelli DaNelle
DAVIS, Kelly
DAVIS, Kelly Auron
DAVIS, Kelly Austin
DAVIS, Kelly June 14 JUL 1968
DAVIS, Kelly Kevin 27 JUN 1960
DAVIS, Kendall
DAVIS, Kendall
DAVIS, Kenneth
DAVIS, Kenneth
DAVIS, Kenneth
DAVIS, Kenneth 11 JAN 1915 11 NOV 1953
DAVIS, Kenneth (c.1908)
DAVIS, Kenneth 20 FEB 1928
DAVIS, Kenneth 1939 1939
DAVIS, Kenneth ABT 1936
DAVIS, Kenneth
DAVIS, Kenneth
DAVIS, Kenneth Clay
DAVIS, Kenneth Clay
DAVIS, Kenneth Eldon 31 JAN 1948
DAVIS, Kenneth Ellis
DAVIS, Kenneth Estey 17 DEC 1925 3 DEC 1997
DAVIS, Kenneth Harvey 31 AUG 1901 20 JAN 1991
DAVIS, Kenneth Owen 8 JUL 1926 6 FEB 1927
DAVIS, Kenneth R 1920 8 Nov 1994
DAVIS, Kenneth Ray 11 OCT 1947
DAVIS, Kenneth Shay
DAVIS, Kenneth Stanley 3 SEP 1942
DAVIS, Kenneth Vaughn
DAVIS, Kenneth Walter 3 JUN 1932
DAVIS, Kenneth Wayne
DAVIS, Kenneth Wayne
DAVIS, Kenneth Welch 20 Feb 1925 2 Apr 1970
DAVIS, Kenneth Welch
DAVIS, Kenneth Williams 12 SEP 1958
DAVIS, Kent Sandford 2 DEC 1947
DAVIS, Kent Sandford 2 DEC 1947
DAVIS, Kermit Carlton 1912 21 DEC 1991
DAVIS, Kesiah
DAVIS, Kettie Hazel 27 DEC 1893 2 FEB 1972
DAVIS, Kevin Erl 21 JUN 1972
DAVIS, Kevin Lynn
DAVIS, Kevin Lynn
DAVIS, Kevin Ray
DAVIS, Kevin Ray 27 NOV 1964
DAVIS, Kevin Wayne 4 AUG 1979
DAVIS, Keyton C. 1891
DAVIS, Keziah 1799 1869
DAVIS, Keziah 1765
DAVIS, Keziah
DAVIS, Keziah 1 DEC 1820 20 JUL 1880
DAVIS, Keziah 3 AUG 1688 17 MAR 1753
DAVIS, Keziah 3 AUG 1688 17 MAR 1753
DAVIS, Keziah OCT 1859
DAVIS, Keziah ?- ___ 1791
DAVIS, Keziah ?- ___ 1791
DAVIS, Keziah D. ABT 1726
DAVIS, Kiara
DAVIS, Kimberlee Ann 31 AUG 1964
DAVIS, Kimberly
DAVIS, Kimberly Ann
DAVIS, Kimberly Ann 08 JAN 1972
DAVIS, Kimberly Elaine 2 FEB 1966
DAVIS, Kimberly Rose 1 Jan 1961
DAVIS, King Hiram 1804 15 JUN 1870
DAVIS, King Hiram 1848
DAVIS, King Hiram , Jr SEP 1838 17 APR 1910
DAVIS, Kirby Calvin John 14 Aug 1913 27 Nov 1991
DAVIS, Kirsten Chuchvara
DAVIS, Kissiah A. 1847 AFT 1868
DAVIS, Kittie C. 8 DEC 1871
DAVIS, Kitty A. 1849
DAVIS, Kitty Ann Wft Est. 1790-1822 Wft Est. 1795-1903
DAVIS, Kitty Lynn 21 OCT 1960
DAVIS, Kristi
DAVIS, Kristi
DAVIS, Kristin LeAnn
DAVIS, Kristin Rose 27 MAR 1986
DAVIS, Kristina ABT 1980
DAVIS, Kristina Marie 26 FEB 1986
DAVIS, Kristy Leigh
DAVIS, Kurt Alan 31 JUL 1968
DAVIS, Kyle James 13 Feb 1983
DAVIS, Kyle James 13 Feb 1983
DAVIS, L. C. 1812 1907
DAVIS, L. Donald 1907 1985
DAVIS, L. E. 1825
DAVIS, L. Eldrich "Darcy"
DAVIS, L. G. 1853
DAVIS, L. Marie Private
DAVIS, L. Thomas 1796 1876
DAVIS, L. Wilson 1862 1949
DAVIS, L.P. 24 NOV 1901 11 JUN 1969
DAVIS, La Vina 4 DEC 1866
DAVIS, Lacey
DAVIS, Ladelle D. "Dellie" Feb 1883 7 Dec 1947
DAVIS, Ladicy
DAVIS, Ladicy Dicy ABT 1754 ABT 1824
DAVIS, Ladona
DAVIS, Ladonna Anne 11 Oct 1955
DAVIS, Ladonna Rose 23 Dec 1931 9 May 1974
DAVIS, Lallie 1858
DAVIS, Lamar 1875
DAVIS, Lana A.
DAVIS, Lance Miles 20 Dec 1978
DAVIS, Lancelott C. 7 MAY 1788 18 OCT 1846
DAVIS, Langdon W. 30 APR 1857 18 MAY 1946
DAVIS, Larin Denise
DAVIS, Larin Denise
DAVIS, Larkin 30 OCT 1826 12 AUG 1842
DAVIS, Larkin 1818
DAVIS, Larkin 1814
DAVIS, Larkin B. 1842
DAVIS, Larkin P. 1879
DAVIS, Larron Edward 1 MAY 1952
DAVIS, Larron Edward 01 MAY 1952
DAVIS, Larron I
DAVIS, Larron I
DAVIS, Larry 1954
DAVIS, Larry
DAVIS, Larry 1962
DAVIS, Larry Private
DAVIS, Larry
DAVIS, Larry
DAVIS, Larry
DAVIS, Larry
DAVIS, Larry Ann 1964
DAVIS, Larry Ann 1964
DAVIS, Larry Arthur 1966
DAVIS, Larry Arthur 1966
DAVIS, Larry Leonard
DAVIS, Larry M.
DAVIS, Larry Neal 1953
DAVIS, Larry Neal 1953
DAVIS, Larry Ray
DAVIS, Latrelle 07 MAR 1940
DAVIS, Lattie Lurline Private
DAVIS, Laura APR 1895
DAVIS, Laura OCT 1881
DAVIS, Laura
DAVIS, Laura 1845
DAVIS, Laura ABT 1870
DAVIS, Laura 18 NOV 1836 21 SEP 1877
DAVIS, Laura
DAVIS, Laura
DAVIS, Laura
DAVIS, Laura ABT 1820
DAVIS, Laura ABT 1820
DAVIS, Laura
DAVIS, Laura (c.1904)
DAVIS, Laura 1908 1909
DAVIS, Laura 1909 1992
DAVIS, Laura
DAVIS, Laura (Sarah) A. 2 Dec 1864
DAVIS, Laura A. 29 NOV 1898 16 NOV 1912
DAVIS, Laura Allyson 4 MAY 1968
DAVIS, Laura Amelia 5 JAN 1848
DAVIS, Laura C. 1861
DAVIS, Laura E ABT 1862
DAVIS, Laura E. 24 JUL 1906 17 NOV 1967
DAVIS, Laura Elaine 24 NOV 1949
DAVIS, Laura Emily
DAVIS, laura emma ABT 1885 DECEASED
DAVIS, Laura Irene
DAVIS, Laura Isabelle
DAVIS, Laura Jane 1873 1928
DAVIS, Laura Kathleen 26 JAN 1963
DAVIS, Laura Lee 22 Mar 1959
DAVIS, Laura Lynn
DAVIS, Laura Mace
DAVIS, Laura May
DAVIS, Laura Ophelia 27 DEC 1872 12 SEP 1961
DAVIS, Laura P.
DAVIS, Laura Snow 1813
DAVIS, Laura T. NOV 1857 1926
DAVIS, Laura Virginia Private
DAVIS, Laurel 20 Aug 1924 20 Feb 1996
DAVIS, Lauren Leigh-Ann Private
DAVIS, Laurie
DAVIS, Laurie Beth 26 MAY 1953
DAVIS, Laurna
DAVIS, Laurna
DAVIS, Lavena BEF 1933
DAVIS, Lavenia ABT 1805
DAVIS, Lavern
DAVIS, Lavina
DAVIS, Lavina "Viney"
DAVIS, Lavinia SEP 1807
DAVIS, Lavonia Elizabeth Dec 1846 29 Nov 1930
DAVIS, LaVonne L 12 DEC 1941
DAVIS, Lawernce 1866
DAVIS, Lawrence 1899 WFT Est. 1900-1989
DAVIS, Lawrence
DAVIS, Lawrence
DAVIS, Lawrence
DAVIS, Lawrence
DAVIS, Lawrence
DAVIS, Lawrence "Larry" 18 JUN 1936
DAVIS, Lawrence 'Benton' 01 SEP 1873 03 JUL 1955
DAVIS, Lawrence 'Benton' 1 SEP 1873 3 JUL 1955
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