GenWeb.JRaC Surname Index
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123 Individuals with the BIRGE Surname
Surname, Firstname Birth Death
BIRGE, Abigail 8 Feb 1730
BIRGE, Aldene
BIRGE, Alfred
BIRGE, Billie E. Private
BIRGE, Billy
BIRGE, Billy
BIRGE, Billy Ray 16 MAY 1936 1 SEP 1963
BIRGE, Charley Lankford 3 JUN 1889 5 JUL 1891
BIRGE, Cora Isabell 1 APR 1904 4 AUG 1911
BIRGE, Cordell Luvern (Larry) Private
BIRGE, Cornelius 30 Jul 1694 23 Jun 1763
BIRGE, Daniel ABT 1644 26 JAN 1697
BIRGE, Daniel
BIRGE, Daniel Submitted
BIRGE, Daniel
BIRGE, Deborah 26 NOV 1671 12 MAY 1714
BIRGE, Dorothy
BIRGE, Eli James 27 JAN 1891 10 SEP 1963
BIRGE, Elizabeth
BIRGE, Ester ABT 1749 1773
BIRGE, Ester ABT 1749 1773
BIRGE, Esther 15 Feb 1732
BIRGE, Evie 13 JAN 1938
BIRGE, Evie 13 JAN 1938
BIRGE, Florine
BIRGE, Frances P.
BIRGE, Fred Earl 4 AUG 1899 BEF 16 JUN 1900
BIRGE, Garry Private
BIRGE, General Francis Marion 28 SEP 1900 13 JUN 1944
BIRGE, General Lester 15 SEP 1922 17 MAR 1928
BIRGE, Genevieve I. Private
BIRGE, George
BIRGE, George
BIRGE, George
BIRGE, Geraldine
BIRGE, Geraldine
BIRGE, Gladys Melishie 13 SEP 1908 31 JUL 1909
BIRGE, Goldie M. 25 NOV 1916 8 SEP 1996
BIRGE, Hannah 1727
BIRGE, Harvey
BIRGE, Hascal
BIRGE, Hascal
BIRGE, Hosea 12 FEB 1760 UNKNOWN
BIRGE, Ida Elizabeth 1 FEB 1893 3 NOV 1975
BIRGE, Imogene
BIRGE, Imogene
BIRGE, Irene ABT 1725
BIRGE, Jackie
BIRGE, Jackie
BIRGE, James Lonnie 1896 1926
BIRGE, James Lonnie 21 APR 1923 3 MAR 1944
BIRGE, Jammie
BIRGE, Jammie
BIRGE, Jeremiah
BIRGE, Jeremiah 1686 1776
BIRGE, Jimmie
BIRGE, Jimmie
BIRGE, Jonathan ABT 1734 UNKNOWN
BIRGE, Jonathan 10 Aug 1734 10 Nov 1776
BIRGE, Larrydale (Shaunlee) 7 MAY 1938 25 OCT 2001
BIRGE, Lawrence Sydney 8 JAN 1945 5 MAY 1947
BIRGE, Layla B 23 SEP 1921 20 OCT 1982
BIRGE, Leroy ABT 1921
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Living
BIRGE, Lloyd Cornelious 10 JUL 1912 18 SEP 1999
BIRGE, Lyman W
BIRGE, Mary Ruth
BIRGE, Mary Ruth
BIRGE, Maud Ellen 8 JUL 1895 2 NOV 1972
BIRGE, Mildred L. 10 APR 1915 24 MAY 1994
BIRGE, Nancy Pearl 24 AUG 1902 30 NOV 1992
BIRGE, Polly 1836
BIRGE, Priscilla 20 MAY 1805
BIRGE, Priscilla 20 MAY 1805
BIRGE, Priscilla 27 Apr 1766 20 May 1805
BIRGE, Richard Submitted
BIRGE, Robert
BIRGE, Robin "Randy" Randall 20 MAY 2003
BIRGE, Sarah 1790
BIRGE, Sarah 5 Mar 1723
BIRGE, Sarah
BIRGE, Sarah 1790
BIRGE, Shaunlee II MAR 1963 23 JUL 2002
BIRGE, Steven Kerry
BIRGE, Thomas Richard 12 JUN 1906 JAN 1978
BIRGE, Virgil Ray 3 AUG 1910 23 MAY 1952
BIRGE, Wayne
BIRGE, Wayne
BIRGE, Wesley Joe, Ph. D. Professor Private
BIRGE, William Jessie 23 JAN 1897 22 SEP 1898
BIRGE, William Lankford 18 OCT 1868 3 JAN 1934
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